With that we've come to the end of this tape. Stock investing is fun but it needn't be dangerous. Just follow a few simple rules.
First, avoid borrowing money, either directly or indirectly, to buy stocks. Also make most of your stock investments through broad-based mutual funds.
And if you want to invest some of your money in individual stocks, stick with companies that you know and understand. Don't invest in the latest pipe dream that some broker or friend pushes on you.
I can't guarantee that if you follow this advice you'll always come out ahead, but you'll avoid a lot of problems. Although stocks can be risky in the short run, remember that stocks have the best long-term record of beating inflation and building wealth.
So thanks again for listening and good luck with your stock investing! And if you have the opportunity, try to listen to this and other tapes a second or even a third time. You'd be amazed what you pick up with each additional listening.