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Take Advantage of Retirement Accounts!

By David Luhman on Mon, 05/11/2009 - 23:36

Take Advantage of Retirement Accounts!

Take advantage of retirement accounts despite the strings

Don't raid your retirement money

Ask your employer to set up retirement accounts as a benefit

Watch for changes in retirement accounts

Take advantage of retirement accounts despite the strings

Retirement accounts do have strings

Can't withdraw money for other purposes like college without penalty

Retirement seems a long time away

But retirement accounts cut your taxes right now

But here's the main reason for getting into a retirement account right now

Because of compounding, if you start saving a little while you're young, you'll have a good chance at a nice retirement

If you wait too long, it's probably too late no matter what you do

Don't raid your retirement money

Many people, especially when they change jobs, raid their retirement stash

Don't do this

It will probably subject you to lots of income and penalty taxes

It could reduce your chance for a good retirement to nearly nil

Remember, you must start saving early for retirement

Ask your employer to set up retirement accounts as a benefit

If your employer doesn't offer a retirement account, and you're already maxed out on your IRA savings, ask him to offer one

Even small employers can set up hassle-free SEP and SIMPLE plans

Cut a deal with your boss

You'll skip your annual wage increase if he sets up a retirement plan

The immediate tax savings easily can compensate you for your foregone raise

Watch for changes in retirement accounts

There will be numerous changes in retirement accounts as politicians wake up to the fact that Social Security isn't enough

There were numerous changes in plans as we were preparing these pages!

Keep checking back here for more information

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